The bigger the storm, the brighter the RAINBOW

Through the 1,00 Rainbows Campaign:

  • 1,000 Dancers

    Our goal is to reach 1,000 dancers in our "Dance Over Fear" club who pledge to dance OVER fear everyday. What does it mean to be DOF dancer? It means that each time you put on your dance shoes, review the choreography in your room the night before a competition, are sitting with your mom or dad looking at yourself in the mirrior, trying a new skill for the first time, fall but still get back, and leave all your cares at the studio door or at the curtain and remember that you are STRONG, you bring COLOR to this world, and your passion and love for what you do will help you spread your wings and FLY towards all your hopes and dreams. And that by doing those things, you inspire other dancers to dance without fear as well!

  • Competitions

    We aim to pass out 1,000“Sparks of Love” along with a rainbow or "adopt a butterfly "to dancers before or after they go on the stage to compete and perform. We want to help build confidence & pride for all for all performers no matter their dance style, age, race, number of years performing, or years training. How far and wide do you think our butterflies can soar?

  • 100 States/Countries

    Our goal is to reach 100 studios worldwide who pledge to inspire their students to Dance Over Fear by incorporating our message of positivity & fearlessness. Leaving your cares, fears, and insecurities at the studio door and embracing each dancers unique "colors" beauty, strengths, and confidence when they enter and exit your studio is our goal. Dance Over Fear studios that are not in the IL/WI area to attend in person events or find us at competitions are still welcome to join us! You can join virtually (for free) (and have a PDF packet with talking points, discussion prompts on confidence and a special coloring/pledge sheet. OR you can send in a donation (donation suggestion amount by the number of students will be sent to you) and you will receive a box with a mix of butterflies to adopt, rainbow keychains, sparks of love cards that you can distribute in class for your students, before or after a competition, or however else you would like to incorporate our message of positivity to your studio. And a decal for your to display proudly!